Saturday, August 2, 2008

Animal House.. Schipps live here

Yep, we're owned by Schipps... Meet the dog members of the family.
  • Bear
  • Liza
  • Hobo
Top dog is Bear, cow dog smart, he knows "his" toys and just loves to play. You can name a toy like ring or ball and he gets that look of "Oh, where is that?" and he will look around the bed and if not seen will take off on a hunt most often come back with the one asked for. Then the game is on...

Queen Bee is Liza, she always has that soft suck up dog look on her face that says "I'm the good dog" just pet me. Head of the list in pot licking department she let the other dogs know she is in charge. Most days Bear let's her think that too :)

Hobo is the new dog in town. A relative is no longer able to keep him so he is fostering here. A teenager in years. Hobo has been here two weeks now and his personality is really starting to bloom. Playful, talkative, starting to guard the house.

So, got Schipps at your house? I think my favorite thing about Schipperkes is you have a big dog in a little package :)

1 comment:

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

Schipperkes are the best dogs ever! We have one and there are a few pictures of him scattered around on my blog. We keep talking about getting another one but he is the only schipp I've been around and I worry another one wouldn't be as wonderful as he is! You need to post some pictures of your three. :)